
Come To The Light

The stars were out in the night sky.   The light breeze was scented with jasmine, vanilla, spearmint, and chamomille.  Flowers were swaying and lighting bugs were flying showing there softness in light pinks, soft blues, gentle greens, and everything in between.

I was laying in the center of the daisy's, careful not to disturb their stance in the ground.  They surrounded like a shield against the darkness and the shadows.

Tears that have not fallen, that are held within, glisten and sparkle with my inner light.  Kept in sacred spaces in my spirit and heart.  I asked the blue moon, " Dear friend, I asked for him to come to the light. He decided to continue to stay in the shadows.  I do not have the strength to ask again."

"In my heart I went to the river by the rock and I still found myself, alone but not alone."

"My sweet darling, how did that make you feel?", the blue moon asked.

"Like a fool, again, and yet I am suppose to forget to be blue."

We both laughed and said our goodnights. I closed my eyes as I fell asleep as the scents of jasmine, vanilla, chamomille, and spearmint came again to say hello.  I drifted of to sleep as I felt safe and secure in the land of where nothing is real.


I Ask Without Judgement

I ask without judgement, without anger and with gentleness and kindness, "Who told you to tell me your cats name was Mouse?"

I asked this March 18, 2012. I asked and yet again my heart was torn for the truth was not told.

I am sitting as I look and reread the conversation.  I take myself to the place of make believe.  I am resting in a field full of flowers under one of my pink willow trees.  The breeze is gently flowing as I see the swaying of the willow back and forth.

As I watch the swaying I picture a day from long ago, mesmerized by the silent beats of the sawing taking me back.  I am standing on the outside looking in.  Like a time portal, I can go backwards and see clearly, I can feel what I felt back then and at the same time I can feel what I feel today as I watch and listen.

I feel my heart being ripped to shreds, I am certain, there is no doubt.  Either he was there that day or someone told him.  I came forth and yet again I am lied to.

I stand up and get under my tree with the pink branches swaying as I twirl with my arms open wide and palms toward the sky. As I twirl I am transported to the sea, for this is my world, the land of make believe.

I jump into the ocean like if my world depended on it.  Once again I swim in the sea alone yet not alone.